Lets hope so! However, the devils in the details of things like "majorities have favored national Medicare for All plans for years", most people want major reform to the healthcare system AND want something in the surface level spirit of Medicare for All, but the details and level of centralization of proposals like the Sanders plan would not be popular and given that its such a major issue, with powerful forces that will make everything people wouldn't like about it widely known, causing it to collapse; but there are the ways to do it that don't have that baggage while still having all of the intended effects and indeed making it better. And outside of a few areas, such as healthcare, most people don't want the amounts of centralization we have now. Also, people generally don't just have issues with the private sector Oligarchy, they also have issues with its symbiote, the public sector Oligarchy. But all this can go together, there aren't any unresolvable contradictions, we can build a better world!

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May 30Liked by Thomas Neuburger

Country Joe's performance was powerful. Woodstock, in general was the apotheosis of boomer culture. Despite the many ardent and spectacular performances decrying the Vietnam conflict (Congress has not declared a war since WWII) all that energy sure petered out. There was a withdrawal coupled the ceasing of the draft. But there were many altruistic goals expressed at Woodstock. What happened?

It is what did not happen: the abrogation of corporate capitalism. Capitalism requires the sacrifice of common good whether that be life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

The protests of today must be accompanied by a rejection of our consumer driven economy. Drying up the billionaires' revenue streams is the ignition for firing our corrupt polity.

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May 30Liked by Thomas Neuburger

If the Establishment is good at nothing else, it is very good at determining whom to buy off, whom to co-opt, whom to neutralize, whom to ignore.

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Amen, Feral. One of the one-off movements Tom might have in mind was the anti-Iraq war movement. The only one I know of that started, and peaked, before the war even started. It was massive and worldwide and completely ignored. Everyone on the side of peace got cancelled. The lying conspirators and their cheerleaders lived happily and wealthily ever after.

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May 30Liked by Thomas Neuburger

Preach. Divide and conquer is still a very effective tactic. Thanks for writing.

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You're welcome. Love doing it for the readers this site attracts!


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May 30Liked by Thomas Neuburger

What will happen is that the pretense of democracy is increasingly dropped as inconvenient.

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."

Frank Zappa

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Love that quote. Thanks.


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This crapola of a world dominated by a few haves will never cease until there is a radical transformation of our economic system with a system that rewards human welfare rather than individual profit and self interest.

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