Can only agree with the point about the media fanning the flames.

What we have here is yet again the both sides riff.

The left’s antipathy to conservatives is a response to what the right’s been doing since the 80s — turning the nation into a failed state. Covid is the great example: started with a literally deadly response by the GOP government and now nationwide mitigation is forbidden as a matter of law by a SCOTUS decision that lacked any proper basis under the law.

Or put it this way: much as the libs (much more so the DNC) have failed, the GOP is a documented existential threat.

To say a pox on both houses, as in the post, requires no little willful blindness.

And getting back to that existential threat: all this will be mooted by next two election cycles.

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Very much in agreement with this post. The Right has been off the rails for decades, but what brought about universal lynch mobs was that the empty suits running the Democrat party decided to copy the Republicans. The Democratic party is now every bit as knee jerk as the Republicans if not more so.

I recently learned just how polarized things have gotten. I had to quit a dark site because the music pirates were rabidly parroting anti-Russia memes. Worse, if you gave them a link to The Saker or Andrei Martyanov, they'd ridicule it as agitprop. They only wanted their news from real newspapers, the kind that lie to us every day. And these are the 'outlaw' elements in our society.

If it comes to civil war, the cities are doomed. They cannot grow even a tiny fraction of their food, and they are easily cut off from power and water. It makes absolutely no sense for the Democrats to engage in this hyperpolar nihilism but Democrats aren't in charge of their party, neoconservatives are and it's increasingly obvious that the neoconservatives want to reset Planet Earth by wiping out half its people. We are being pushed into war and famine by those who've arrogated all the profits for themselves and who expect the rest of us to live on mined out mountains and in the brown field valleys.

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"Liberal & Conservative" are part of an unremitting protection scam, wealthy klepocrats & wholly complicit media perpetrates on we, the peons? Catastrophe Capitalism's COVID feeding frenzy, Biden picking a war to save FRACKING & other bridge-fuel Ponzi scams, SCOTUS & whatever "long hot summer" ALEC foments are ONLY reported from 0.01% perspective without petit bourgeois of "either" party daring to question the basic premise. FOX & Democracy Now will frequently read identical Atlantic Council or Bellingcat cage-rattling diatribes, verbatim. DNC™ LLC sneers 1970's David Koch, Rick Berman & David Brock echo-chamber tropes (anybody WATCH primary debates, since Powell's Memo or Citizens United?) We're basically invisible on TV? A million COVID deaths, and it's us essentials, committing mass suicide as opposed to Disney's White Wilderness' underpaid, stage hands forking us to the circling, ravening sharks?





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Thanks for the links!


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