Lest anyone still think that elections matter.

"Democracy" as actually practiced merely represents a consensus of elite institutions.

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Every reason given on the basis of a principle for supporting Donald Trump by libertarian leaning pod casters has been sent to the circular file.

It gives me personal satisfaction that I rejected supporting either Harris or Trump.

It gives me regret that the actuarial tables give me slim to no chance of seeing my fellow citizens free of unwarranted government intrusion into their private affairs.

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The national security state will never grow weaker.

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True, so long as the state lasts.

However hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and long droughts coupled with aquifer depletion and salt water intrusion care nothing about surveillance or armed repression.

I just think that a noble gesture by our rulers before getting fired by Mother Nature would have been nice.

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Let's see what she does in office --she was best hope, among foreign policy appointees of restraining warmongering,

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I don't think she'll betray promises made to the security state. Unlike other promises, betraying those has consequences.


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Substack still extremely broken for legacy OS/browser users, but wanted to say that whatever they said to Johnson, well…let's see if that holds AFTER Trump takes office. Likewise Gabbard.

We've endured decades of both parties fronting nominees who lied their asses off in confirmation hearings. I think Occam would conclude that Gabbard lied when she said she was OK with Section 702. She isn't, and she will spearhead reform.

Only outsiders can help us now — both parties are utterly corrupt.

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"let's see if that holds AFTER Trump takes office."

Don't kid yourself. For eight years, we were treated to the spectacle of Obama cultists lay on excuse after excuse, even as he betrayed them, over and over.

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