Cluster bombs being used by the USA in 2024 is absolutely SHAMEFUL IN THE EXTREME.

The "most Christian "DEMOCRACY IS behaving like demented animals towards fellow humans.

Unbelievable carnage for YEARS & generations . Just what in the world is this Christian nation doing ?

Mathew Neville.

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Would it not have been more accurate to attribute the approval of cluster bombs to Ukraine based upon a solid coalition of Democrats and Republicans? And is not the opinion of MTG truly irrelevant?

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dems do war crimes to own the repubs 🫠

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This country is right and truly fu***ed. we are slowly (?) sliding into ineptitude and irrelevance on the world scene. We do not care about each other much less the rest of the world. Everything is based on short term results. Supporting the war is simply making the arms suppliers rich. What a farce of a country. I’m so glad at 75 I have no grandchildren in this country. I know this is simply a general rant but I really no longer give a damn about the US.

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> We do not care about each other much less the rest of the world.

This is certainly true, Bill. I have a piece coming out later today (Friday) that touches on that. Good point.


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When it comes to the (monstrously misnamed) Defense Department, party labels go out the window along with conscience. Besides, there are reports that our stores of "bullets and beans" are so depleted we have little else left to give them.

Now if we can ban use of the word "bomblet," an innocuous sounding word to describe a legitimately infernal device.

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If you’re willing to believe absurdities, you’re willing to commit atrocities. Humans are a fickle bunch.

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Team D cares only about war crimes as a stick with which to beat Team R. When Team D is in the White House, then that makes it okay!

Witness how Team D congressmen wept piteous tears over Yemen, then refused to vote to end American support for that genocide, when the war became Biden's war and not Trump’s.

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That's sadly, likely true. It's hard to imagine voters don't notice as well. Which means, all this push to keep Trump from a second term is undercut by those who most want to keep him out of office. Odd combo, that.


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Voters don't care either, as long as gas is cheap and the body bags aren't coming in too great a numbers.

And much of the handwringing over Trump was because, in his oafish way, he questioned the Empire and imperial assumptions.

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