Now the question will be whether Kamala Harris separates herself from Biden's policies, prticularly his militaristic non-negotiating stance on foreign policy. If she keeps Sullivan and Blinken, we're cooked. The bad sign is that I heard she is keeping Biden's disastrous campaign team.

Domestically I'm not thrilled by Biden --a president serious about climate change would not slap tariffs on solar panels and electric cars, and his inflation reduction act is largely a gift to corporations. That Scanrton Joe is a shtick --he's really delaware corporate Joe. Kamal's father was a very leftist progressive pro-equality economist, so I hope she picked up somethihng from him.

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Thanks for the comment, JL. The latest is that she's going to jettison Blinken et al. That doesn't mean big change, but it does mean change.

About Harris and climate, good catch. I have no idea where she'll fall on that. If anyone has climate links re Harris, send them on!


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Jul 24Liked by Thomas Neuburger

There are some very good substacks out there but, by far, this one is the best, Thomas. Thank you for taking the time to write.

Excellent article. Back before the primaries in 1992, friends of mine from Arkansas warned me about the Clintons and said nothing good would come from their presence on the national stage. They were right. Bill Clinton cemented Reaganism into place and did so much damage by signing NAFTA, the Crime Bill, Bankruptcy Bill, and more ... and the Democrats were almost all on board. Will the neoliberals ever quit? The stripping of industrial America and selling it off for parts has ruined opportunity for millions.

And Clyburn, who rescued Biden from oblivion in 2020, is on record as receiving more money from Big Pharma than any other member of Congress. Can't stand the guy. He gets rich betraying his constituents. Best democracy money can buy.

The corruption runs deep and the fact is that other than Bernie & Warren, we don't get any reform out of The Democrats unless we get really threatening. Can't get any more blunt than that in these times. The fact is that the current crop of Dems would have fought FDR tooth and nail.

Yes, I would have supported Biden - he has done a lot of good things, and some that are pretty horrible - but Reagan moved the Overton Window so far to the right that the "middle" is really conservative. But at least with Biden we would have lived to fight another day. With Trump? No way.

My mind is open toward Kamala and I hope she will build on the good parts of Biden. It's not like we have a choice this fall. Third parties almost always make things worse. I will work hard to help her win and hope that, unlike Obama, she is not a disappointment.

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From your lips, Sailor. Thanks!

Interesting times...


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Anyone that thinks Berner would’ve been a legitimate POTUS doesn’t get it.

Great ends. Not a freaking clue how to get there and no party support to make up for it. If Bernie had any political stance he would’ve not joined the primary in 2020. The only reason the DNC allowed him was to split the progressive vote with Elizabeth Warren. Remember, he cost them 50 million bucks in 16.

More importantly, the timing of Biden’s step down. Obviously planned before hand. Intentionally delayed has not to have the constituents pick a candidate. The Democratic constituents will settle for an appointment. The coronation.

No matter. Go from one wrong candidate to the next. That’s what Democrats do. Now I need the wrong candidate, that is.

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