Caitlin Johnston has it right, all those presidents condemning violence, while the US aids a genocide and takes the violent miltarized option with almost every foreign crisis. Those presidents are all war criminals, every single one.

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Couldn't agree more, JL.


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Easy, folks. I love a vigorous discussion. But statements attacking other participants personally shouldn't be posted.


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I have the same response to everything that happens: remove Biden from office.

Nothing gets better until he and his handpicked team of Ukronazis are led off the stage in handcuffs.

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Jul 16Liked by Thomas Neuburger

FYI, that Washington Post “study” was the butt of jokes within the firearms community for months. 5.56 is near the bottom end of the scale for rifle cartridges. Most hunting rifles are vastly more lethal. Trump is lucky that the guy didn’t take a boring old deer rifle and aim at his chest.

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Thanks, Matt.


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Memo to Bill and Barack: But violence does have a place in our country, an extremely prominent space.

In 2021 there were 690 mass shootings resulting in 431 deaths and 1688 wounded.

In 2022 there were 695 mass shootings resulting in 762 deaths and 2,902 wounded.

In 2023 there were 600 mass shootings resulting in 739 deaths and 2,440 wounded.

This is after the October 1, 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas that resulted in 60 killed, and 413 wounded.

If the school shooting and movie theater rampages that took place in Colorado before Las Vegas did not generate constructive movement towards sensible gun control; it was evident to any sentient being that violence is a feature of the American experience.

Truth be told I am numb to the assassination attempt on Trump.

On a personal note due to being an only child with a Canadian wife who has the only relatives we visit, also Canadian, I have long toyed with the thought of moving North.

A Canadian blogger, Ian Welsh whom I respect greatly published this today:


I cannot find a single thing in his posting with which to argue.

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Let's see. So a republican who is now verified to HAVE NOT GIVEN TO DEMOCRATS made it onto a roof and tried to kill his own guy. And he missed. So trump has a booboo and that kid is dead.

At no parts does this make trump fit for office and frankly, we see yet again that the obvious conclusion is that even republicans hate trump - and they can't even kill him correctly.

Everyone is sick of trump.

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You win. I haven't voted since 2018 but after reading your comment, I'm voting for Trump.

Spent my life working for Democrats but if Democrats are pro-assassination, to hell with Democrats.

I'll be busy rooting on Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and the Russians because I oppose fascism wherever it surfaces.

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Ah yes, the facile victimhood of republicans who cry and threaten and partake in terrorist actions and awwwww poor baby you are mad that you are being held accountable now.


I mean obviously when Mr. Pelosi was beat with a hammer, all the GOP compassion came out. I mean, it didn't but here we are. Or what it when trump screamed for everyone to stand back and stand by? When you were violently trying to stop a free election because you couldn't handle the results?

You are nothing but a pathetic, pedantic, moronic sub human, and your guy couldn't even finish the job he started. Leave it to the GOP to fuck it up AGAIN. Like everything.

And I am sure that you are either Iranian, Russian, or just jocket a cash register at Auto Zone crying because you can't beat up on women anymore and screaming because you are rightly labeled a nazi, a hitler lover, and lying shit stain.

But again, that's republicans. Nice job proving me, AGAIN.

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Our host, a couple of US Senators and several members of Congress can attest to the fact that I was, at least up through 2016, a Democrat. A Democrat who's actually spent as much time working for the party as you've spent blowing opinions out of your backside.

But never mind me, how exactly do your rants get votes for Biden? How are you GROWING your party?

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And no one cares. You are joining up with the modern nazis because you have no integrity, and you are completely selfish and frankly you can't face reality. No one cares about how you vote and no one cares for your little pity play.

It worked with your mommy and daddy, but reality doesn't care about you and you inept and moronic choices.

I spend thousands on donations to my party and I have a scholarship in my name.

What have you done in your life? Oh, right. NOTHING. Except complain and cry, like every republican ever.

You offer nothing, because you are nothing. You have wasted your life and now you want revenge for being an idiot. Great. Maybe stop being so easy to read and easily manipulated.

standing up to evil morons that hate everyone because you suck at life out loud is YOUR PROBLEM.

Thanks for playing, next time show up with some skill.

You are nothing but a loser, likely a botnet from Russia's IRA and a coward because frankly, if I had your address, you would be crying even more.

Now cry more because you are rightly called a nazi and a moron.

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