"sail to the islands of sun on boats made of gold".

You mean like the Obamas sailing on billionaire's yachts?

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You know me too well.


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Jul 9Liked by Thomas Neuburger

I posted this in the WSJ before I read your post. The stick won’t work because all Biden needs to do is hold out for the carrot. Besides, he can’t cash in anymore given his condition.

In today’s WSJ comment section:

You can’t reason with Biden. He’s too far gone. Trump is right. He won’t leave. The only solution is a huge bribe, and I mean huge. Joe doesn’t care, but Jill and Hunter have a price. The donors or the DNC will have to pay it surreptitiously. Start at $1 billion and hope they take it. Terms must be that he leaves now in the car parked out front. Make it a Corvette. Tell them you’ll pack up their belongings and deliver them to a storage unit. This is in the Bidens’ wheelhouse. They’ve been looking for the Big Score for 40 years. Maybe Biden is faking the whole thing to get rich and can’t believe that no one’s gotten the message.

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Carrot or stick, same diff. Thanks for the comment. What's the WSJ article you responded to?

BTW, I'm not sure that Biden's not the best candidate — not to say he's a good one, but the donors (presumably) want Dems to take their best shot. I certainly do; Trump shouldn't win by default.


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“Democrats Huddle in Washington as Biden Teeters At Top of Ticket”. From Page WSJ

My judgement is colored as primary caregiver to dementia suffer. I see all the facets of behavior and judgement decline beyond the memory loss and physical symptoms. No way out and only down from here.

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IIRC, Mark Warner backpedaled on gathering Senators to ask Biden to step down.

Correct me if I misremember.

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FF, I recall reading that someone sent Warner a public unveiled threat to Warner indicating that he had better back off if he knows what is good for him. If you are correct in your recollection, he has backed off. Holy moly.

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I doubt this was necessary. Biden isn't going to go so easily, and Warner does not want to be blamed for lighting off a Team D civil war or even for airing dirty laundry in public.

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Trump with the Supreme Court's blessing to run amok is a frightening prospect.

But any President with this new permission slip is a harrowing experiment.

I personally can give a toss who the billionaires identifying as Democrats want to run. That candidate will not take the steps necessary to restore equality and opportunity to us the public.

As long as our society permits billionaires then we will fail. Billionaires will not destroy the rotten system that is impoverishing us and our planet while it sustains their pernicious theft of our wealth.

I implore all who have the opportunity to vote for a third party candidate to do so!

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