Russia is a country with a near-infinity of natural resources in its sprawling east, but a concentration of population, infrastructure, key cities and cultural sites, indeed its essence, near its western borders—across which sit some major powers that have historically been both envious and frightened of Russia's vastness. So the Russian mindset is to guard its western (and south-western) flanks, if necessary by controlling events in adjacent countries, to safeguard its nucleus. It doesn't seek to expand, per se, to the west, because this would invite backlash that endangers its vulnerable core; and it doesn't need to for resources, with much of Siberia still to exploit.

Bear this in mind when assessing Putin. His invasion of Ukraine was criminal, barbaric, and probably foolish. (And I'd love to see him on trial for it, plus for multiple murders of political opponents at home.) But it didn't come out of nowhere, and certainly not from madness or wickedness; it's consistent with centuries of Russian strategic thinking. Putin's perception of a threat from Ukraine (or an eventual NATO in Ukraine) may have been delusional, but that's a hard argument to make to any Russian, since they're all aware of their country's anguish from repeated invasions from the west. Acknowledging that their nervousness is understandable would be a good starting point. Of course, successful political miscreants know how to exploit nervousness; we've had plenty of those on our side.

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Even if post-1991 Russia truly were guilty of every crime of which it is accused (it's not, but bear with me here), that would be but a pimple on the ass of the War On Iraq alone.

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Sep 11Liked by Thomas Neuburger

You really clarified the issues & scared the hell out of me.

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Odd how one of the rare world leaders who attends weekly religious services is branded as "amoral."

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This is all insane. We need to work on our internal problems- which there are many - and leave other countries alone. We and our approximately 800 military bases combined with our belief that we have every right to decide other countries’ governments are the major source of instability in the world. We need to stop.

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