I used to believe that the top 1% was no better off than the bottom 20% in the United States. The thinking based on the idea that there freedoms and movements would be vastly curtailed if society was crumbling around them. I’ve come to see that is not the case. They will insulate themselves and live in an alternate world. In a cage, certainly but well fortified. Comprised of luxury, comfort and servants. massive compounds with massive security. This industry of protecting the wealthy is in fact, a booming business.
In one month there will be piles and piles of wrapped plastic toys and other plastic based consumer goodies under the Christmas trees (many made of plastic) of tens of millions of families. Who is responsible for buying all that plastic crap?
I don't see any billionaires at dollar stores which pretty much sell nothing but massive loads of plastic junk every day. Did the billionaire scum make the masses go shopping at gun point? No, consumers couldn't wait to go shopping because most dopamine hits are anticipatory, thus people saying 'I can't wait to go shopping at the dollar store' or 'I can't wait to go to the concert' or 'I can't wait to get on that plane and jet halfway across the planet to lay on a beach for 6 days' is ubiquitous.
This is a society that the majority have adopted the toxic idea of "Bucket Lists" which is anticipation writ large.
*Dopamine Jackpot! Sapolsky on the Science of Pleasure*
5 min
"Robert Sapolsky, professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University, compares dopamine levels in monkeys and humans. Sapolsky argues that in both, "Dopamine is not about pleasure, it's about the anticipation of pleasure. It's about the pursuit of happiness." Unlike monkeys however, humans "keep those dopamine levels up for decades and decades waiting for the reward."
This is another gift from evolution that has turned around on us to our doom because there is no ceiling on anticipation/longing for goodies and experiences. Evolution made us into a species that is never and can never be satisfied.
*The Endless Pursuit: Unveiling the Roots of Humans’ Insatiable Desire for More*
"The Evolutionary Impetus
Humans have inherited a survival-oriented drive to secure resources as products of evolution. Our ancestors faced numerous challenges in their environments, and those who possessed a strong desire for more were likely to succeed in acquiring the necessary means for survival. This evolutionary impetus has been passed down through generations, ingraining a deep-seated motivation to seek and acquire more resources continually.
The Role of Social Comparison
Humans are inherently social creatures, and our desire for more is often shaped by our social context. We have a natural tendency to compare ourselves to others, and this comparison can fuel our desire for more. In a world where material possessions and social status are often equated with success and happiness, we constantly strive to keep up with or surpass those around us. The pressure to meet societal expectations and avoid feeling left behind intensifies our pursuit for more."
Sure one can change their expectations, goals and find benign pleasures, but in my experience it's usually people who are looking for meaning who give up the goodies - you can see this in many religious, philosophies and secular self help practices.
Going by the data, it looks like no one has given up a thing.
*2023 Set Records in Global Fossil Fuel Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions*
"In 2023, the world consumed more oil, coal and natural gas than any time in history, according to the Energy Institute’s “Statistical Review of World Energy.”
I know some people have made an effort to reduce their environmental impact by consuming less and using less energy. Sorry but your efforts do not show up in the data {statistically insignificant}.
This is what happens when you do not take money away from people with too much of it. This is the main function of Progressive Taxation. Impoverishing the very rich is very beneficial to Society at large not to mention the Planet.
While interesting, the noted ignoring of the Philanthropic foundations is a concern. The myth of Carnegie and his Foundation is worth understanding. According the" Philanthropy Roundtable" - "Carnegie had consummate—some might say ruthless—financial and organizational skills, as well as an unremitting appetite for cost-efficiencies and a keen eye for innovations (most notably the Bessemer process, the first industrial method for converting pig iron to steel). All good, mostly.
He gave funds for many wonderful developments and this comment is not to detract from that. This comment is to note this:
Concerning it was not the Library that mattered, it was the books from the burgeoning Socialist groups in the United States. Rockefeller in fact funded some of those people.
"To ensure that communities were equally invested, he would only pay for buildings—and only after local authorities showed him credible plans for acquiring books and hiring staff."
The Book Club leaders, were a major part of the filling of the Libraries. Socio - communist members, using the front of the Libraries, Upton Sinclar, and other Socialist entities essentially took over the foundations, management and more as Carnegie died in 1919.
From MinnPost: 1895 The Cadmus Club, a male reading group, is founded in Galesburg, Ill. The club held regular meetings, hosted lectures and shared knowledge of book-making and book history. Other male book clubs founded at this time included the Grolier Club in New York, the Club of Odd Volumes in Boston and the Rowfant Club in Cleveland.
1900 Around the turn of the century, women's literary societies are thriving. Progressive Era reading groups arose from women's reform groups, church groups, the National Council of Jewish Women and the American Association of University Women.
Ford was immeasurably worse, including funding this: - 1926 - Communist Psychopolitics - The description of a course taught at the “Lenin Institute” to Americans sent by John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was member of the CFR
- This course still exists. What is “Psychopolitics? The art & science of asserting and
maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of Individuals, Officers, bureaus, and
Masses and the effecting of the conquest of enemy Nations through “Mental Healing”.
Psychopolitics, is a less known oblique to Geo-politics, dealing with molding the highest
strata of the “Mental Healing” arena - through this effecting of the conquest of enemy
nations through “mental Healing”. Objective, conquest through social chaos. Beria,
Mass Murderer of entire villages in the Russian conquests, was the Professor of the 2 year
- Authors note: Beria was the longest-surviving and the most influential of Stalin's secret
police chiefs of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD). The responsibility of
the NKVD was to ensure the internal security of the Soviet Union and it systematically did so
through massive political repression, authorized murders of many hundreds of
thousands of politicians and citizens, kidnappings, assassinations, and mass
My point is prior to the listing of Mr. Neuburgers' group, the massive amount of Leftist funding that generated non-Founding Documents issues is legion. The fact he ignores our earlier domination ( under cover ) by the few "Wealth" kings, begs the political position of Mr. Neuburger.
The 20 or so, created the opportunity for the 800. My quote: "History is the engine of the Future so the correct genesis is mandatory".
Thanks for this. I love the idea of outing the 800. Is there a website that keeps track? I would have it track these individuals and announce how they support anti-climate events. Unfortunately you would have to be anonymous to protect yourself from being piled-on by their lawyers.
name and shame while we still have the chance b/c our way of life is ephemeral, as ppl in WNC recently found out.
the stone age (or, at least the 19th century) is one EMP away—or CME for that matter. imagine all electronics and comms gone; how insanely lost most would be. i know i would.
mentioning this b/c these 117 already have their bunkers. some are even trying to sell shipping containers (as bunkers) to the rest of us. as one of my lit profs used to say, “what are portents?” that’ll tell you where the story is going.
Do any climate change activists actually do anything besides blaming people? Hint , it's a storage problem.
I used to believe that the top 1% was no better off than the bottom 20% in the United States. The thinking based on the idea that there freedoms and movements would be vastly curtailed if society was crumbling around them. I’ve come to see that is not the case. They will insulate themselves and live in an alternate world. In a cage, certainly but well fortified. Comprised of luxury, comfort and servants. massive compounds with massive security. This industry of protecting the wealthy is in fact, a booming business.
In one month there will be piles and piles of wrapped plastic toys and other plastic based consumer goodies under the Christmas trees (many made of plastic) of tens of millions of families. Who is responsible for buying all that plastic crap?
I don't see any billionaires at dollar stores which pretty much sell nothing but massive loads of plastic junk every day. Did the billionaire scum make the masses go shopping at gun point? No, consumers couldn't wait to go shopping because most dopamine hits are anticipatory, thus people saying 'I can't wait to go shopping at the dollar store' or 'I can't wait to go to the concert' or 'I can't wait to get on that plane and jet halfway across the planet to lay on a beach for 6 days' is ubiquitous.
This is a society that the majority have adopted the toxic idea of "Bucket Lists" which is anticipation writ large.
*Dopamine Jackpot! Sapolsky on the Science of Pleasure*
5 min
"Robert Sapolsky, professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University, compares dopamine levels in monkeys and humans. Sapolsky argues that in both, "Dopamine is not about pleasure, it's about the anticipation of pleasure. It's about the pursuit of happiness." Unlike monkeys however, humans "keep those dopamine levels up for decades and decades waiting for the reward."
This is another gift from evolution that has turned around on us to our doom because there is no ceiling on anticipation/longing for goodies and experiences. Evolution made us into a species that is never and can never be satisfied.
*The Endless Pursuit: Unveiling the Roots of Humans’ Insatiable Desire for More*
"The Evolutionary Impetus
Humans have inherited a survival-oriented drive to secure resources as products of evolution. Our ancestors faced numerous challenges in their environments, and those who possessed a strong desire for more were likely to succeed in acquiring the necessary means for survival. This evolutionary impetus has been passed down through generations, ingraining a deep-seated motivation to seek and acquire more resources continually.
The Role of Social Comparison
Humans are inherently social creatures, and our desire for more is often shaped by our social context. We have a natural tendency to compare ourselves to others, and this comparison can fuel our desire for more. In a world where material possessions and social status are often equated with success and happiness, we constantly strive to keep up with or surpass those around us. The pressure to meet societal expectations and avoid feeling left behind intensifies our pursuit for more."
Sure one can change their expectations, goals and find benign pleasures, but in my experience it's usually people who are looking for meaning who give up the goodies - you can see this in many religious, philosophies and secular self help practices.
Going by the data, it looks like no one has given up a thing.
*2023 Set Records in Global Fossil Fuel Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions*
"In 2023, the world consumed more oil, coal and natural gas than any time in history, according to the Energy Institute’s “Statistical Review of World Energy.”
I know some people have made an effort to reduce their environmental impact by consuming less and using less energy. Sorry but your efforts do not show up in the data {statistically insignificant}.
This is what happens when you do not take money away from people with too much of it. This is the main function of Progressive Taxation. Impoverishing the very rich is very beneficial to Society at large not to mention the Planet.
Exactly, Paul.
While interesting, the noted ignoring of the Philanthropic foundations is a concern. The myth of Carnegie and his Foundation is worth understanding. According the" Philanthropy Roundtable" - "Carnegie had consummate—some might say ruthless—financial and organizational skills, as well as an unremitting appetite for cost-efficiencies and a keen eye for innovations (most notably the Bessemer process, the first industrial method for converting pig iron to steel). All good, mostly.
He gave funds for many wonderful developments and this comment is not to detract from that. This comment is to note this:
Concerning it was not the Library that mattered, it was the books from the burgeoning Socialist groups in the United States. Rockefeller in fact funded some of those people.
"To ensure that communities were equally invested, he would only pay for buildings—and only after local authorities showed him credible plans for acquiring books and hiring staff."
The Book Club leaders, were a major part of the filling of the Libraries. Socio - communist members, using the front of the Libraries, Upton Sinclar, and other Socialist entities essentially took over the foundations, management and more as Carnegie died in 1919.
From MinnPost: 1895 The Cadmus Club, a male reading group, is founded in Galesburg, Ill. The club held regular meetings, hosted lectures and shared knowledge of book-making and book history. Other male book clubs founded at this time included the Grolier Club in New York, the Club of Odd Volumes in Boston and the Rowfant Club in Cleveland.
1900 Around the turn of the century, women's literary societies are thriving. Progressive Era reading groups arose from women's reform groups, church groups, the National Council of Jewish Women and the American Association of University Women.
Ford was immeasurably worse, including funding this: - 1926 - Communist Psychopolitics - The description of a course taught at the “Lenin Institute” to Americans sent by John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was member of the CFR
- This course still exists. What is “Psychopolitics? The art & science of asserting and
maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of Individuals, Officers, bureaus, and
Masses and the effecting of the conquest of enemy Nations through “Mental Healing”.
Psychopolitics, is a less known oblique to Geo-politics, dealing with molding the highest
strata of the “Mental Healing” arena - through this effecting of the conquest of enemy
nations through “mental Healing”. Objective, conquest through social chaos. Beria,
Mass Murderer of entire villages in the Russian conquests, was the Professor of the 2 year
- Authors note: Beria was the longest-surviving and the most influential of Stalin's secret
police chiefs of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD). The responsibility of
the NKVD was to ensure the internal security of the Soviet Union and it systematically did so
through massive political repression, authorized murders of many hundreds of
thousands of politicians and citizens, kidnappings, assassinations, and mass
My point is prior to the listing of Mr. Neuburgers' group, the massive amount of Leftist funding that generated non-Founding Documents issues is legion. The fact he ignores our earlier domination ( under cover ) by the few "Wealth" kings, begs the political position of Mr. Neuburger.
The 20 or so, created the opportunity for the 800. My quote: "History is the engine of the Future so the correct genesis is mandatory".
Material partly from: Philanthropy Roundtable.org
Material partly from: The Great deceit -Dobbs.
Thanks for this. I love the idea of outing the 800. Is there a website that keeps track? I would have it track these individuals and announce how they support anti-climate events. Unfortunately you would have to be anonymous to protect yourself from being piled-on by their lawyers.
a start
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I've my digital sharpener for the ready!
Saudi Aramco is not close to the biggest polluter on the planet.
That prize goes to the US military.
name and shame while we still have the chance b/c our way of life is ephemeral, as ppl in WNC recently found out.
the stone age (or, at least the 19th century) is one EMP away—or CME for that matter. imagine all electronics and comms gone; how insanely lost most would be. i know i would.
mentioning this b/c these 117 already have their bunkers. some are even trying to sell shipping containers (as bunkers) to the rest of us. as one of my lit profs used to say, “what are portents?” that’ll tell you where the story is going.