Oct 9Liked by Thomas Neuburger

I love this piece so much. TRUTH! The Shakespeare quote is great, too.

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Deb, thanks! As to the quote, it's a gem of a find.


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I agree totally with your sentiments about avoiding naming who is responsible for the unfolding climate disaster , and normally I'm as pessimistic as you are. However there is a hopeful omen from China, as Adam Tooze outlines: https://adamtooze.substack.com/p/chartbook-324-ndc-30-the-emissions?triedRedirect=true . IN short, though the US and the "west' is responsible for most of the CO2, in the past decades China ia responsible for most of the increased emissions. However china is scaling up its solar and wind installation so much that the new installation is now exceeding the growth in energy use, ie, the fossil fuel part of energy use is decreasing. The export of cheap solar panels will help less developed countries throughout the world decrease their emissions.

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All true, Jean-Luc. The problem is, we have a very short runway on which to land this thing safely. (Some say we have no runway at all.) I tend to the latter camp, given the slow pace of change.


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"China is responsible for most of the increased emissions."

Most? How much is most? A majority 51% or is most 90%? What about all the hiding of military emissions by the US? How are you factoring in those?

Let's see some links to data proving your contention or else remove your comment, because I say you have no data demonstrating and just made that shit up.


*‘Elephant in the room’: The US military’s devastating carbon footprint*


The US military emits more than entire industrialised nations like Portugal and Denmark, yet evades scrutiny.




*Why the Pentagon Is the World’s Biggest Single Greenhouse Gas Emitter*

A new book explains how the US military came to consume more fossil fuels than most countries—and what we can do about it.




BTW it is the US military, who make the elite PIGS and their gorging at the trough possible, so good luck fighting them, but why bother since the human's Doom is baked in? The security state has every word we have typed and all we have watched and read online and I'll wager their algorithms have flagged us as potential threats -"eco terrorists". What will end them fastest is to stand back and watch. They have plenty of support by the majority of the US public and just this morning a young person on reditt/r/collapse described it's that very same psychotic behavior and mindset that is compelling him to flee the US. I lived in the US for the better part of a decade and agree with his assessment of many Americans. Read it and you will understand why I say it's not just the elites and lets not forget that the majority of consuming Americans & the west do is unnecessary, like the 6000lb trucks they use to drive 12 miles across the city to save $3.59 on a stuffed toy and case of pop & commute their 200lb body 44 miles round trip to work and back 5 days a week. The elites are not forcing them to do that, their inherent desire for novelty and status are.


I'm doing everything possible to leave the United States. I hate living here. (self.collapse)

submitted 20 hours ago by Current_Barnacle5964


"I am 26 years old. I know now that the future is essentially a foregone conclusion, taken away by those who value commerce and capital over human lives. I am under no delusions that any country is safe from it all. From climate change, economic collapse, political unrest, and so much more. In essence, we are all going to share the burdens of a world withering away and falling apart like pedals from a flower.

But I hate living in the United States. I hate the car dependency. I hate the car drivers who murder nearly 50000 people every year here and injur countless others. I hate the lack of social safety nets. I hate how this nation has a rabid and deranged disdain for the homeless, the poor, the widows, and the orphans. I hate the plutocratic nature of this nation, the politicians whose sole purpose is to exist in the pockets of the rich. I hate how the so called "progressives" don't actually want change, but just to steady the ship of capitalism, the ideology of cancer. Infinite growth from a finite planet? Fuck.

I hate how this nation hates anything that can be construed as social/communism, while being completely ignorant to both terms and what they entail. I hate the disregard for homeless and the poor, with the hostile message basically saying "if you cannot produce capital, go kill yourself you welfare Leach". The cult of ignorance as Isaac Asimov pointed runs deep to this day.

No paid maternity or paternity leave. No free public universities. Students crippled by student loans and debt. A credit score system that determines if you can rent, if you can get a job, and if you can do anything. Social workers and therapists and psychiatrists who sit in silence as they know deep down the problem isn't with individuals, but with a system whose vampirism is a feature, not a bug. Not to mention so called psychologists who work for these companies to get you addicted to products.

School lunch debt. Schools tied to property taxes. Suburbs that are ponzi schemes. Cities that fuck people over with expensive rent because...supply and demand 😜. Police officers that harass you and are ready to kill you because an acorn fell on their cruiser. Social darwinism. A form of Christianity that embodies everything that Jesus Christ preached against. Jobs that can fire you on the spot. Our stupid fucking health Care system. Our politics which is treated like a sports game where people want to hurt each other.

Think about this. When the uvalde shooting happened, and the officers stood outside being the dumbasses that they are, who did the county vote for as governor of Texas? That's right. They voted for greg Abbott. This nation has been stepped in the blood of children slaughtered by assault rifles and pistols, and our so called leaders measured their blood and found it to be worth nothing......



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Oct 13Liked by Thomas Neuburger

Brilliantly, brilliantly said.


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Thanks for weighing in, Margi.


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I could hardly disagree more. 1 trillion tons+ of CO2 is already in the atmosphere for 100 yrs., not just the 40 gt we add every year. I never understood Shakespeare anyway, plain modern English was enough of a challenge, as should be obvious to anyone observing the dumbing down of I-phone comments in the (anti-)social media. Massive human overpopulation/overconsumption is the source of the environmental, ecological, climate collapse that any fool can see happening right in front of our eyes. ONLY individual drastic reductions in our carbon footprints can have a snowflake's chance in hell of turning this Titanic around now, although icebergs are no long the danger in the open Arctic seas. If you believe critical think is still being taught/learned in our schools, just look at the comments here. God help us, one and all. As for the IPCC and its worthless carefully designed predictions: BS. C3S tells us that the current global temps are increasing 0.214 degC EVERY YEAR, so 5 degC by 2042, which, at this rate, may well be the "centuries' end".

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