I do think that left and right populists should find common ground. Both party establishments are crooked. Yes, Trump was deeply flawed. But Trump was necessary to shake up the status quo and to open eyes. More government is not the solution. The government should be minimal because power makes untrustworthy people. What do you mean by progressive? In the last decades isn't it just a synonym for hypocritical? If progressives really believed in climate change they would be more serious in addressing it in their own lives rather than laying the sacrifices at the feet of the middle class.

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Apr 9, 2023·edited Apr 9, 2023Author

Glad you like the piece. I try to make a distinction between progressives and "real progressives," though I haven't fully explored that yet. In a nutshell, sorta-progressives tend to be office holders who collaborate with the Party, thinking they're making progress (and to some extent, they are). These progressives have more power than principles, at least judging by their actions.

Real progressives, OTOH, tend to be people with principles and no power. Folks like us among the hoi poloi. Does that help?

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Thomas Neuburger

Radical unity and execution of progressive economic action is the only path of successful resistance to the radical unity and execution of regressive economic action/status quo, as promoted and enforced through our current state of “ruling-class capitalism”.

Now the question is; how far am I willing to go to participate in it?

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> how far am I willing to go to participate in it?

Exactly. Thanks for adding this.

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it’s worth taking an honest inventory of how #resistance harms the left in their ongoing project, b/c the #resistance 100% aims to [further] deneuter the left in their longterm project. what tactics currently fracture the left? what tactics do consultant-class use on a daily basis? how do their tactics inform us about their strategy? who do you see getting the most traction with those tactics?

these are just Qs to keep in mind. maybe they’re helpful. maybe not.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Thomas Neuburger

To be fair, even if Sanders were to take office this afternoon, he would quickly prove weak and ineffective.

The time for a Sanders is long past. A Huey P. Long is what is called for now.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Thomas Neuburger

Thanks for this one, well said.

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THANK you! We'd ALWAYS felt "the Resistance" pointed straight at US! It wasn't like there was any effort made to conceal THEIR dopplegangster, tag-team kleptocracy (aside from a guy from Flint, MI, I'm the only pfay, working-class goyim in the UWS, who'd been online all the 8th, knowing Debbie, Robby & John had thrown another election (and whom Creative Class™ PMC & retired yuppie liberals would blame!) My boss thought I'd wanted a LONG gig in France, Germany or Northern Ireland; I took a gig in Steelton, PA. It don't mean NOTHING, not a thing?

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Sorry, BeliTsari, not sure what you mean by this. Can you explain?

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Thomas Neuburger

Throughout 2015/ 16, I'd been working in "red state" mills, on fracked gas pipelines (returning to Manhattan from, say Steelton, PA was like stepping off a flying saucer. If Michael Moore figured Hillary eas in trouble; to us, it was pretty clear, DNC was only about crushing 'BernieBros' and I was hardly alone in adjusting my portfolio (funny, how much it ended up, resembling Nancy & Ro's spouses, albeit a miniture?) An awful lot of us, across the Hudson, saw it as poor theate, as Bernie pledged to support DWS' multinational LLC to back Hillary, once Debbie CRUSHED us (we'd figured: Hills hardly campaigned, was despised by actual Democrats & installing Trump would mau-mau PMC & retired yuppies. It was a typical protection scheme; Liberals, happy to destroy the closest thing to a REAL Henry Wallace/ Ken Galbraith Democrat in my lifetime would be suitably GONE, then (SCARY music) TRUMP! We'd contemplated running down to find which Chelsea bar Debbie, John & Robby were getting crazy drunk & screaming into their phone at David Brock to find some way to blame PUTIN! But I'd had to drive to a Dickensian mill overnight. It was all a bit too stereotypically "see, we TOLD you?" I'd posted something that morning on Yves' Naked Capitalism, but all the usual suspects were undoubtedly online all night selling what I was buying (funny, how Biden's crushed Chinese AGW mitigating equities that did quite well right up to Feb 2021?) The Resistance ® really was, just obviously a BS, blame the victims scam. Hillary quoted Rick Berman, accusing us of being Rooski eco-terrorists for protesting Ed Rendell FRACKING Pennsylvania, so FDR Democrats were expecting to have Nazi & Klan cops & BoogalooBoi agents provacsteurs unleashed on us; having wealthy dowagers in pink knit hats turn us away from million woman marches, our lefty organizations organized, though icky was less spooky than obviously libertarian, 0.01% neocon, Energy In Depth folks in our place, WAS not a surprise (a lot of us were at Obama's G20 & 350 & Occupy protests?

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Ah. Got it now. Thanks!

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