Nominating the 22nd rent candy out of 23 in the field, someone who has been a corporate donor class water carrying fellation tool their entire political career, has consequences…..

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What are we? “We” in a strictly social context, are a confederacy of dunces. Made up of mostly the same proudly ignorant proletariat. That is what “we” are.

In terms of political message framing, we vacillate back-and-forth between corporate oligarchy enables Fascism and totalitarian despotism.

“We” in a sociopolitical context, are planet resource raping, crimes against humanity committing bane on the planet.

Jean-Luc is correct in a factual out of context manner. But not in a context of today’s political reality. Demanding a #BrokerConvention and naming #ElizabethWarren/KatiePorter2024 as a democratic party ticket. Electing only progressive democratic party candidates along with educating the sociopolitik ignorant masses through shared space, and thoughtful engagement, we could slip things back to 1969. You know, when we really were the greatest country in the world.

By NO MEANS perfect. But, we were steadfastly and intentionally moving towards the ideal that is America. Making great things happen on a frequent basis.

Our beginnings are not relevant since the framers had the big picture in mind. The only mistakes at the time were societal. Slavery and patriarchal suppression. Slight majority of them were against both of these things. But, smart enough to realize it if they were on the table, a Union would never take place.

We are currently the billionaire merchant totalitarian despotism model. That’s no one’s fault but our own.

“We the People” are the ones derelict in our duties.

I did we had forgotten or never known, this is our movie. Far too many of us are in the seats watching Instagram backstage facilitating and directing.

Currently, we are getting exactly the government we deserve. In my experience, when one gets what one deserves, it’s a shitty day ……

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It's an oligarchy Thomas -- just read all the comments about the "donor class" opining and getting together to choose another candidate. The US started off with the 18th century Virginia landed oligarchy and is ending with the billioinaire merchants.

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Agree, JL. And presidential immunity has been with for a long while. We've already altered the republic.


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So what? Seriously? A CEO doesn't have to be tip-top, he just has to hire able people. President Biden's administration has managed two wars and a difficult Congress; has passed and implemented significant legislation; has protected the ACA and (so far) Medicare and Social Security. FDR was in a wheelchair. JFK was in a back brace. The President has found and deployed some amazing people. Let's support him and stop acting as though the sky is falling.

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Thanks, Peggy. I've argued that yours is a reasonable response. (See here: https://neuburger.substack.com/p/about-last-weekend-the-state-of-the)

But that doesn't alleviate us from having to admit the facts. At least as I see it. We are, after all, the "reality-based community."

Second, Dems pushing against the facts instead of acknowledging them is not going to win voters, but alienate them. (See the article linked above.) I know many who say that a sandwich is better than Trump. It's possible they're right. If that's the argument, say it.

Mes centimes, of course. FWIW, I think Biden will not be the nominee, as I read things this morning. But anything's possible.


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We're not voting on the past-- we're voting on the future.

FDR's wheelchair and JFK's back brace did not affect their mentation, or thier ability to articulate positions -- FDr's fireside chats werer classic, and JFK was unparalleled in his extempraneous ability and sense of humor. Compare that to the walikng corpse that is trotted out to read what is written for him.

And even on your own terms, I can only think of one worst foreign policy team Ithan Blinken -Sullivan -- Bush the 2nd's . They have no idea of negotiation as they merrily lead us to close to WWIII. Genocide Joe rivals LBJ's how many kids have you killed today..

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As if the opposition offers better? You’re suffering from the illusion of choice. They are all puppets. Mouthpieces for the corporate and criminal donor class. The people are ancillary plug-ins. It’s the party platforms that we need to understand. Currently, the democratic party platform is the largest corporate subsidy ever proposed and, does the GOP even have one?

@Thomas Neuberger doesn’t understand any of this be excepting no blame whatsoever and pushing it on to one of the two partners of a global crime syndicate.

He is relegated to only one of two things. And ignorant rube, a hayseed with no Greek, or an intentionally disingenuous feces filled skin bag………

🤔 I suppose they’re not mutually exclusive.

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