From donors to owners.

More neo free-market democracy, uh right?

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This demand by Reid Hoffman that Lina Kahn be fired makes the argument for election reform easy.

Mr. Hoffman dislikes Ms. Kahn's job performance. That is his right. It is within his rights to petition elected officials to express his displeasure. My rights are the same.

Where Mr. Hoffman and I differ is in the magnitude of the amount of campaign contributions we have the capacity to make. Mr. Hoffman's campaign contributions give his opinion a sway that mine do not. Our respective opinions are not judged on merit, but weighed on a balance where money wins.

This is highly undemocratic and must be remedied.

There must be federal funding for federal offices and that must be the sole source for funds excepting a token $25 donation to a candidate per individual. This is not an unreasonable restraint especially if the campaigns do not last longer than 30 days in duration. Party platforms and candidate positions can be communicated on a federal election website.

Political action committees will no longer be necessary and must be make illegal. Any form of candidate funding outside these outlined mechanisms must be outlawed.

There is no hope of eliminating the grotesque wealth distribution in our country without reform of this nature.

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1. Watch Harris dance like a puppet on a string.

2. Watch Team D cultists make excuses.

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Lina Kahn's continued position as director of the FTC was tentatively to be my excuse for voting for Vice President Harris.

However, as Hoffman goes, so go a coterie of Hampton billionaires supporting Harris. Kahn's days are numbered. That is a shame.

For me though Harris's deeming of protesting Israel's mass murder of Semites as antisemitic eliminated any personal reason of excusing my vote. Harris won't get it.

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