I appreciate very much, learning about Sawant. I had not heard about her. I relate very much to her perceptions, and yours. Perhaps another reason I am so fed up with the daily barrage of texts, & emails from the Democratic hierarchy, to donate money. Just today, another very long missive from Nancy P.

Thank you

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Why not? France's Yellow Vest Protesters, originally, were people from rural areas who had to drive long distances as part of their daily life. They said they couldn't afford the hike in fuel prices. Protests appeared in pockets around France to denounce Macron's green tax and then quickly grew into a larger movement that includes members of the working and middle classes who are expressing their frustration about slipping standards of living. They said their incomes were too high to qualify for social welfare benefits but too low to make ends meet. The movement had no official leadership and was organized initially through social media groups.

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Thanks, Steve. Protests in Paris can resonate around France. Not sure if that can happen in the U.S., given that there are so many regional centers of power (and culture).

Just a thought. I'd love to see something get started though.

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