Right on. Also, an option for warning shots before the death penalty: "We gave their shareholders limited liability, and we can take it away. Just the threat of revoking limited liability, without which no prudent investor would invest, would shake share prices. Merely a murmur should cause shareholder action."


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"Would it then surprise you to learn that, according to one study, 12% of corporate leaders are on the psychopathic spectrum? That explains a lot. Especially when you consider that our post-Reagan, “greed is good” culture normalizes and rewards these traits."

No way, it's gotta be more than that. Maybe "12% of corporate leaders can't even be bothered to try to fake any empathy." That would jive with my experience.

Anyway, this is way older than Reagan. Power is to sociopaths (or as you use the term, psychopaths) what catnip is to cats. Look at the leaders throughout history styled "the Great". Most were just glorified sociopaths with crowns. Many were usurpers. Even on the occasion when a decent and well-meaning human got power, this drew sociopaths the way fresh dog shit draws flies. Moreover, power selects strongly for sociopathy, since the sociopath will do whatever it takes to get power, and has no qualms about cheating, fraud or violence.

The life of Henry VI Plantagenet is most instructive. So is the history of the medieval Catholic Church, and that an institution founded by Jesus Christ Himself.

The only thing that corproate life does is take the Will To Power, normalize it, legalize it, and channel it.

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Advisory to Feral Finster:

"So is the history of the medieval Catholic Church, and that, an institution founded by Jesus Christ Himself."

Read Alexander Hislop's book "The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship." This will dispel your belief that Lord Jesus Christ had any act or part in the founding of the Catholic Church. Peter was not the first Pope as he was married and never physically in Rome. This church worships Nimrod and his wife.

When digesting the Catholic Church and its institutions, it is wise to always recall the following.

2 Corinthians 11:14 KJV - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

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Grover Cleveland quote from his 1888 State of the Union address,

"As we view the achievements of aggregated capital, we discover the existence of trusts, combinations, and monopolies, while the citizen is struggling far in the rear or is trampled to death beneath an iron heel. Corporations, which should be the carefully restrained creatures of the law and the servants of the people, are fast becoming the people’s masters."

His words seem timeless. What became of him?

I write not to find fault with the concept of killing corporations, but to encourage a more vast reform: destroy capitalism before it destroys us. Look at what capitalism demands of us now:

1) pretend that the pandemic is over

2) produce armaments and use them indiscriminately

3) provide forums solely for political parties that enable steps 1 and 2.

We inclusively must destroy capitalism before Mother Nature does the job in our stead.

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