Thanks for writing, it's important. I can't shake the idea that it isn't a matter of being on the brink of collapse, but that collapse is now in the rear view mirror.

The recent California Supreme Court ruling that while holding corporations liable for enabling covid to spread would be moral, but would be too hard on business interests so too bad for those harmed, nothing at all will be done certainly makes the case that we're in trouble.

This will be the first collapse with a world human population of eight thousand million where most of the lives are dependent on a highly technological civilization.

What will happen next, indeed.

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Thanks, Rick. Would love to see a link to the CA Supreme Court ruling.


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Here is one that includes the bit about moral blame which the ruling discusses at length. The article includes a link to the ruling itself.


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Thank you for asking the questions that no one seems to pay attention to.

One of the biggest disappointments of my old age is the failure of the youth of this country to get organized and challenge the policies of the government. Back in the early 70's we did that and it was one factor in our exit, finally, from Viet Nam, along with contributing to other changes in our society.

Although there have been some valuable efforts over the past 50 years to challenge the State, they have mostly been co-opted and neutered or put down violently.

Making matters worse is the very successful program of the elites to divide us through cultural issues and identity politics. We're so busy clashing over guns, abortion, and other such issues that we can't see that the only way to have even a chance at making changes is to organize the poor, working, and struggling middle classes to come together and challenge our oppressors. These folks need to understand that they have far more in common than they have differences.

Class consciousness and class struggle are the only way we have any chance of survival in this neoliberal dystopia with our planet burning while we sit back and watch Netflix.

doG help us all for we are truly screwed.

Stay safe out there, y'all.

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Agree. And don't forget debt as a way of making sure the youth are no longer troublemakers.


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Exactly right, Tom.

While so many people worry about the National Debt, it's private debt that's destroying our country financially. As the US has become financialized over the past 50 years or so, more and more of people's disposable income is going to debt service impairing their ability to pay for the normal costs of living out of current income. You can even buy groceries now on an installment plan.

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the system is in the process of collapsing upon itself. idk if it’s possible to fix the mess we’re in.

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It’s keeping me up at night too, because I’m equally unsure there’s any way to correct course at this point. If there is, it lies with citizens who are informed & done with being sold out by America Inc

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This is a beautiful article in terms of its intellectual elegance. In response, I’d add its emphasis on culture--the personality of the collective--is well founded. As such, this brings to mind Christopher Lasch’s “The Culture of Narcissism.” Add a generous helping of Carroll Quigley’s “The Evolution of Civilizations,” and I suspect we’d be getting close to the heart of the matter.

Thank you for this. What a wonderful way to start my day.

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The problem is that we are an empire.

As the Roman Republic learned, you can be a Republic or an empire, but not both. An empire is expensive, and it's benefits are channeled only to the connected. Further, an empire cannot allow itself to be constrained by any law other than force, or surely it will fall.

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Nice point, Feral.

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