Yo RFK is standing right there.

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Not concerned about what should be the collapse of any trust in the MSM. It should never have had any. I hope that its consumers will now reconsider the other false narratives the MSM has been pushing regarding Ukraine, Israel and China. Not holding my breath.

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Thanks, Andrew. Not holding mine either.


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"if that person is not Kamala Harris, who can't be shunted aside without setting off mines.".

Keep hearing that. However, she did terrible in the primaries, including among blacks and women. Any objective data that this is other than a self-serving refrain her supporters put out?

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Thanks, Jean-Luc. Good question.

Not objective data, quite, but a good supposition that Black women voters might drop off the D Train in droves if Harris were shunted aside. It's those voters they fear, at least as I hear it said.


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The choice is not only Biden or Trump. There are other declared presidential candidates, some even sentient, sane and steady.

But we do not live in a country that respects the right to vote.

North Carolina just knocked qualifying third parties off the ballot. The Democratic Party is effectively prohibiting qualifying third party ballot lines in Nevada. I reside in New York (NY). Right now my choice is DJT or JRB. It is up in the air if it will be possible to write in a suitable candidate in NY.

Given the present circumstances coupled with the Supreme Court rendering the President a King, I can see many voting for Trump. At least one knows who is committing the atrocities in King Trump's administration. In King Biden's, who knows?

In my opinion, the Democratic Party is beyond redemption. Allowing this unfit man, Joe Biden, to garner the nomination without a primary is unforgivable. (What runs through Republican minds is beyond my psychological acumen.) The Democratic Party is one of woke warmongering -- both foreign and domestic. The Republicans are equally malevolent -- just more honest.

I take both "The New York Times" and "The Wall Street Journal". I read them just as Soviets read "Pravda" and "Izvestia"; to see which direction the breezes generated by propaganda are blowing.

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Re: the NYT and WSJ; you have my admiration, and a very strong stomach.

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Re: Parkinson's - I am not a doctor, but I understand that a Parkinson's patient can be "juiced" (levadopa and carbidopa, possibly amphetamines) to overcome the symptoms for a short while.

This may explain Biden's improving performance during the debate. Either the meds kicked in late, or his handlers upped his dosage during the break.

Of course, suppose Biden (mostly likely, Jill) were to be convinced that it's time to step aside. OK, now what does Team D do?

Newsom wants to be president, badly, but if he has any sense, he will want no part of this. He can wait until 2028.

Whitmer apparently is gunning hard for the slot.

Harris is as ambitious as Lucifer, and will not simply step aside, because she will never have more leverage than she does at the moment. However, she is even more unpopular than Biden.

HRC is widely detested, and rightly so, not to mention her history of health issues, but 2024 is her last realistic shot.

I suppose that if Harris is Plan B, then Biden might as well resign now and give Willie Brown's Mistress whatever advantage of incumbency there is. If Harris isn't Plan B, how does Team D get her to step aside?

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i’ve gone thru the dementia-to-grave cycle 4 times, and can say sadly, unequivocally that Biden is not coming back. Lewy Body Dementia, which has Parkinsonian features is a likely culprit here. it’s often misdiagnosed in the beginning b/c a pt will first exhibit signs of either PD or AD. The other feature will later come into focus, which is when LBD is dx’d. average time from dx to grave is 5-8 years w/LBD, but it can go either way; lingering longer or advancing quicker.

he’ll have a dignified funeral—can’t say the same for the media.

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