War or Slaughter? What's Happening in Israel
Tales of a boy in a bag — even the latest terrible climate news is swamped by the Gaza horror.
It’s hard not to write about climate. After all, this is going on:
That massive spike at the end is August 2024, less than a month ago. The graph is by climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf. Says Leon Simons, who tweeted this graph:
For those in the back: Global warming isn't linear any more!
We have to adapt to accelerated warming and climate change.
You and I know catastrophic global warming is no longer linear (see here and here) because you and I care to be informed. Those who get all their news from corporate stiffs, reporters paid to be ignorant, are ignorant as well.
I’ll come back to this topic. The consequences of global warming are worth discussing; they’re also set in stone.
The Israeli Slaughter: A Boy in a Bag
But it’s very hard not to write about war these days, especially the could-be-nuclear war between NATO and Russia (the latest is here).
And very especially the slaughter in Israel/Gaza that network corporate stiffs keep calling a war. (Tell everyone you know: It’s not a war, it’s a slaughter.) Here’s a taste of recent developments.
How about a man holding the remains of his grandson in a bag? There’s video at the link, but it’s a hard watch.
In related news, there’s this. Note that the number, 40,000 dead, is a vast undercount. Even so, 14 pages of murdered newborns is horrific, yet Israeli soldiers wallow in this stuff.
There’s also this from Aljazeera on September 16:
And this from the Independent on September 7:
And much more like it. This is not a war. It’s a slaughter.
The Future
I don’t think this slaughter will stop, not under Biden or Harris, and not under Trump, until the people of Gaza are so reduced in number — murdered, starved, dead of disease and exhaustion — that they’re easily pushed into the sea, or if, finally, humans decide to act humanely towards them, shipped to foreign lands to live as they can.
Then the developers arrive and Gaza-before-the-slaughter will be restored.
There’s video at the link, but it’s a hard watch. Did someone say “opportunity”? Was it you, Goldman Sachs?
Snark aside, if this doesn’t turn Israel into a permanent pariah, marked by this to the end of its climate-tossed days, we’ll know the state of the world: Unredeemed.
Based upon my encounters with people in my hometown and online about the genocide occurring in Gaza, I shudder for mankind. "Bleeding heart liberals" who identify as Democrats have zero empathy for anyone questioning the wisdom of the Biden-Harris policy of enabling Netanyahu's slaughter, and all too many in central Illinois are gleefully cheering on the weaponization of pager batteries.