A Note to Subscribers
And a note about evil, Pharma profits, and death in the Global South

This week has seen a number of developments, including the release of four new Twitter Files, several of great significance.
Twitter Files 13 — Twitter and Covid
Alex Berenson, January 9, 2023Twitter Files 14 — Russian Bots and #ReleasetheMemo Hashtag
Matt Taibbi, January 12, 2023Twitter Files 14a — Supplemental — More Adam Schiff Ban Requests,
and "Deamplification"
Matt Taibbi, January 13, 2023Twitter Files 15 — How the pharmaceutical industry lobbied social media to shape content around vaccine policy (Intercept version: “Covid-19 Drugmakers Pressured Twitter to Censor Activists Pushing for Generic Vaccine)
Lee Fang, January 16, 2023
(Additional brief comments here.)
The final file, by Lee Fang, is especially troubling. It documents how Pfizer and BioNTech attempted to use Twitter to protect its profit from the activist campaign to get them to make their vaccines available free or at low cost to developing nations, especially in the Global South.
From his Intercept write-up:
The campaign they were concerned about was the launch of an international push to force the drug industry to share the intellectual property and patents associated with coronavirus vaccine development. Making the patents available, in turn, would allow countries across the world to swiftly manufacture generic vaccines and other low-cost therapeutics to deal with the ongoing pandemic. [emphasis added]
That’s evil in its purest form — choosing profits over people whose lives are at risk — with Big Pharma caught choosing its profits and consigning many brown-skinned others to death.
Thanks to the Twitter Files, we now have proof of this, not just suspicions. And only thanks to the Twitter Files, I hasten to add.
Unfortunately, this week I’m in transition. Next week I’ll send several posts covering these developments.
In the meantime, I have updated this file (“Twitter File Links, Aggregated”) with links to the above Twitter Files (along with a few comments), and will continue do so whenever a new file is released. It will always be up to date, so feel free to bookmark it.
Finally, Google may be getting into the content-flagging act. As you know, I’ve been covering the Twitter Files pretty extensively. If you search on my name, “thomas neuburger”, and narrow the search to include only “Previous week”, you see this flag ahead of the results:
Changing the filter to “Past month” removes the flag. Is this meaningful? I don’t know. But asking if I’m “trusted on this topic” is worrying.
I’ll have my own Twitter tale to tell, perhaps, if I can find data to support my suspicion. But for now, if you get the same result from a Google search, please let me know, either in the comments or by email.
Thanks again to you all. More soon.
When I type in your name on Google I get your twitter, linkedin and instagram handles as well as a link to Muck Rack (and what appear to be your most current articles: "Until People In Developed Nations Start Dying, Nothing Will Change" and "It's Not Either/Or). Both are excellent, by the way! I do not see any updated articles on the Twitter Files--nor do I get any "check back later" message from Google when I type in "Thomas Neuburger Previous Week." Hoping Google has taken down the message you were experiencing earlier and that people can access your most current articles on Google now. Glad I'm a substack subscriber and am automatically in the know!
I'm trusting you to be untrustworthy on this!